El Canto de Armónicos y la Expresión Vocal Plena
Overtone singing is the art of creating two or more voices simultaneously, a fundamental note, or root note, and the harmonic frequencies that resonate with it. The vocal harmonics or overtones, normally hidden in the sound of the voice, are amplified in the oral cavity and the cranium to create intense, bright and singular sounds.
When I learned to sing overtones in 2002, I felt a profound sense of joy and achievement whenever I sang them, as though I was being infused with music and life. It was a technique that taught me how to listen, showed me how to tune into music through listening and how to flow with my singing.
It also has had a direct effect on the sound and the resonant qualities of my voice.
The classes and workshops are aimed at actors, singers, professionals who want to transform their voices and vocal confidence, and all those who want to find and unlock their vocal potential.